May 16, 2011

How to save money by 'weatherizing' your home or apartment

Did you know that one way to save money on your energy bills is through 'weatherization'?

Weatherization refers to making sure your home or apartment is properly insulated and energy efficient, so that you do not waste unnecessary money on utility bills!  There is now an entire movement behind weatherization - the federal government provides tax credits to those who weatherize their home, and here in Washington, DC, a nonprofit called WeatherizeDC is trying to create a citizens' movement.

You may think insulating your home is a winter activity, but it's equally relevant in the summertime.  When June hits, you may end up spending more on your A/C bills than you think, if your home is not properly weatherized. Insulation not only helps keep your home toasty in the winter, but also helps keep it cool in the summer.  And weatherization is not just for homeowners -- renters will want to get in on the action too, so they can avoid high A/C bills when the sun starts roasting the District.

So how can you save money through weatherization?  We thought this article by Energy Star provided some helpful tips to insulate your home -- click here!

- Sara Giordano

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