May 5, 2011

Guerrilla Street Art!

Here at CFHomes, we've long been fans of Famous Guerilla Street Artist J.R., who uses his daring, often-illegal, and always inspiring street art to raise awareness about housing issues around the world!

In Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, J.R. painted beautiful murals in the slums of the city. He painted large eyes, which stare out over the richer parts of the city, to symbolize the idea that the poorer neighborhoods must not be neglected by the government. Take a look!

In Kibera, Kenya, J.R. created beautiful murals for the rooves of various slum dwellings, which doubled as waterproofing. Again, the images were meant to symbolically indicate that the slums, which many in the government had neglected, must not be forgotten.

J.R.'s efforts are often considered illegal by the local governments, and so he had to often work in stealth and at night.  J.R. used art as a tool to raise awareness about housing issues.

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