Apr 9, 2012

Checklist: Conducting the Final Walk-Through When Buying a Home

Here's some tips on important tasks you should do before signing:

Verify that all included appliances are in working order.
Turn on the oven, the dishwasher, the stove, and the washer and dryer. Don't forget to make sure the refrigerator works, too.

Turn on every faucet and flush the toilets.

Plug something into each outlet.
You'll want an electrician to repair any broken ones right after you close on the house.

Check the smoke detectors. 

Light a match by each to verify that they're in working order.

Test the heat and air-conditioning.
You don't want to find out that the furnace of the A/C doesn't work a few months down the road.

Look for water stains and mold on the ceilings.

They could be a sign of ongoing leaks.

Examine for signs of vermin,

including excrement (mice) and insect remnants.

Negotiate a closing credit.

If you find anything broken or missing, have your broker or lawyer request financial compensation.

And finally the easy part: sign the contract, then move in!

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