Apr 7, 2011

Are you a DC Government Employee? A great housing opportunity for you.

Employees of the District of Columbia government, who are first time home buyers may be eligible to receive grants and deferred loans of up to $11,500 through the DC Employer Assisted Housing Program (EAHP). 

DC EAHP can provide eligible applicants with matching down payment funds of up to $1,500 ($50 for each $2,500 saved by the employee), and a deferred loan of up to $10,000.

There are a limited number of loans available each year and the availability of funds depends on funds allocated to the department's budget each year so act quickly if you are buying a home!  There is a somewhat time consuming but very easy application process, so get started early, even before you start looking at homes.  

Moreover, you can now combine this loan with the CFHomes $75,000 in Down Payment Assistance.

- Jyothi Ramakrishnan
Learn more about City First Homes

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