Jun 15, 2011

Live Near Your Work! Grants to Support Homeownership - Deadline Coming Up!

While CFHomes supports anyone who wants to buy a home in DC, we want to highlight a special opportunity for DC Government employees! Do you work for the DC Government? Do you live far from your work but you want to move closer?

Tell your employer about the Washington, D.C. Office of Planning's Live Near Your Work (LNYW) pilot program!

The program offers matching grants up to $6,000 for down payment and closing cost assistance. The point is to encourage individuals to move within two miles of their work, within a half-mile of a Metro station, or within a quarter-mile of a “high quality” bus corridor.

If you work for the DC Government, ask your employer to apply today!! Right now, the Office of Planning is accepting applications from employers to "administer" the loans to their employees.  While the first deadline is almost here (June 17, 2011), they will be accepting more applications until October if they cannot find qualified employers.

Learn more! http://thecityfix.com/?p=12927 or http://planning.dc.gov/DC/Planning/About+Planning

- Sara Giordano

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