Feb 15, 2012

Top 13 Home DIY Sites

We've compiled a list of our top 13 go-tos for DIY help, ideas, and tips to make your home a home. Please share with you your favorite sites!

13. DIY & Decor: Though this site hasn't been updated, the archives offer a wealth of info for your next        project.

12. Southern Hospitality: Decorating Ideas anyone can handle.

11. One Project Closer: Learn about remodeling and home improvement projects that can enhance your home, as well as useful tips and information.

10. Ask the Builder: Home improvement advice straight from the source, this blog answers common DIY questions.

9. Ask the Electrician: The Wiki of electrical issues. Helpful articles, diagrams, and how-tos on all things related to wiring.

8. Charles and Hudson: Helpful planning and design hints, as well as tips on making the best decision for your home improvement project.

7. The Inspired Room: Simple ways to love your home even more.

6. Thrifty Decor Chick: What will she think of next?

5. Young House Love: A young couple not afraid to experiment with their home.

4. Builder Bill DIY Help: Builder Bill has plan and design ideas for various home improvement projects.

3. Design*Sponge: Design*Sponge is a design blog marketed as "the Martha Stewart for Millennials", check it out for quirky tips.

2. Money Pit: The Money Pit  has loads of videos on different types of home improvements, in addition to helpful articles. 

1. Apartment Therapy: Apartment Therapy demonstrates how to work with small spaces. Loads of DIY ideas  that can be accomplished no matter how little your home is.


  1. Very thorough list, thanks for sharing. Now to decide on which one to check out first... :]
    -Jack @ Home ownership

  2. Thanks Jack. We're very glad you found this useful. We hope one of these sites inspires you to do a great DIY project.
    Thanks for checking out our blog.
