Feb 7, 2012

Tax Benefits of Home Ownership

Everyone knows that owning a home is the American dream, but did you know that borrowing to pay for one is a taxpayer's dream? Home mortgage interest is deductible on your income taxes if you itemize. You can deduct the interest on up to one million dollars of home mortgage debt, whether it is used to purchase a first or a second home. You can also deduct the interest on up to $100,000 of home equity debt, even if you don't use the money for home improvements. Real estate taxes are deductible as well. With the availability of these tax deductions, you should consider whether borrowing on a home is right for you.

Please come to our Homebuyer and Tax Seminar this Saturday from 1-3 in our office at 1436 U Street NW to learn more about first time home buyer tax credits and mortgage interest deductions.

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