Jul 28, 2011

DC Home Prices Keep Rising

According to Standard & Poor's Case-Shiller home price index, the Washington metropolitan area was the only place in the country that saw its home prices go up over the past year, with an increase rate of 1.3 percent.  Although the DC market has lower prices than in many years, home prices are still going up overall.

Situation in other regions of the nation doesn't look as promising. Even though Case-Shiller's 10-and 20-city indices have increased for two months in a row, analysts are inclined to attribute that to the warm weather if anything. It is hard to predict when and if the national housing market will fully recover. In order to send an optimistic signal to its spectators, the market needs to prove that it is more than that.

Read all about it here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/political-economy/post/washington-homes-buck-national-housing-price-decline/2011/07/26/gIQAPkadaI_blog.html

- Anlan Zhang

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