May 31, 2011

Housing Prices Go Down in Almost All Major Cities -- But Rise in Washington, DC

According to today's New York Times, data from the respected Case-Shiller Index show that housing prices in 20 cities across the country have hit their lowest since the recession began.  However, while nearly all 20 major cities showed housing prices falling from February to March 2011, Washington, DC was among the few to show a gain of 1.2%.  It also had the largest gain in housing prices among all the cities.

In DC, housing prices are definitely lower than the peak of the housing bubble in 2006 - but seem to be hovering around the housing price levels of 2004.  DC prices also seem to be rising on an upward trend.  While it's impossible to know where housing prices will go, it might be a good time to consider home purchase in the District, before housing prices rise too much.

Check out the full article and chart here.

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