Apr 27, 2011

Spotlight on... Homebuyer Education Organizations!

Did you know: there are several DC-government supported non-profit 'housing counseling organizations' in DC, whose sole purpose is to provide homebuyers with support and assistance so they are prepared and empowered to buy a home?

Buying a home can be tricky and costly, and there are many unexpected fees and challenges.  Whether you want to learn about how to fix your credit, how to write a contract, what title company fees to expect, or understand all the affordable housing programs out there, their impressive counselors can help you navigate the tricky path to homeownership, with support that is either free or low-cost.  They serve as buyer advocates, so that DC homebuyers are empowered and educated about buying a home.

We at CFHomes are lucky to have had a chance to get to know many of the wonderful staff at these organizations.  In fact, when we've had questions about housing policy in DC, we've turned to these groups on numerous occasions to help us out!  We have tremendous respect for all of them, and we've had a chance to get to know the staff at the Latino Economic Development Corporation and Housing Counseling Services in particular, two organizations doing great things for homebuyers.

If you're curious about what these organizations do and if they can help you out, feel free to check out the full list of HUD-approved Homebuyer Counseling organizations in DC -- click here!

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